The Precarious Balance between Joy and Self Criticism.

The Precarious Balance between Joy and Self Criticism. 11/18/2017 9:02:51 AM

We spend so much time with our work being self critical. This must be darker; that should be a little longer; the little shape goes off at the wrong angle; the whole thing needs more contrast . . . etc. It's how we make a painting better. 

One of the best lessons I took from Hilary Holmes and Curt Hanson is to try to get back to that thing you loved so much about this scene that you wanted to paint it.

It's hard to do . . . You start with such hope and such delight at the possibilities . . . and then you want to like something that you've spent so many hours making and then to discover all its shortcomings. But it is important work never the less.

You have to learn to love your own efforts or you bear the weight of a double burden that will sink your fondest aspirations as a painter.

It's also why I think one of the most important characteristics of any young artist-painter is that they must love doing the work; just the physical activity of it. That will see you through until you find the joy of surprise at your own growth and efforts.

“Take care of your babies and your babies will take care of you”